For those of you who have swallowed the man-made global warming argument hook, line, and sinker take the time to read the following article. Notice the reference to China and India. They're booming right now and we're at 10.2% unemployment with a president and congress hell bent on busting us further with cap-and-trade/tax to "save" the environment.
Global warming consensus: garbage in, garbage out
By: Michael Barone
Senior Political AnalystNovember 29, 2009
As Air Force One heads to Copenhagen for the climate summit Dec. 9, it will presumably not make a U-turn while flying over the Climate Research Unit at University of East Anglia near Norwich, England. But perhaps it should. The 61 megabytes of CRU e-mails and documents made public by a hacker cast serious doubt on the ballyhooed consensus on man-made global warming that the Copenhagen summit was called to address.
The CRU has been a major source of data on global temperatures, relied on by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. But the e-mails suggest that CRU scientists have been suppressing and misstating data and working to prevent the publication of conflicting views in peer-reviewed science periodicals. Some of the more pungent e-mails:
"I can't see either of these papers being in the next IPCC report. Kevin and I will keep them out somehow -- even if we have to redefine what the peer-review literature is!"
"Can you delete any e-mails you may have had with Keith re AR4?"
"I've just completed Mike's Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (ie from 1981 onwards) and from 1961 for Keith's to hide the decline."
"The fact is that we can't account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty we can't."
"I'm getting hassled by a couple of people to release the CRU temperature station data. Don't any of you three tell anybody that the UK has a Freedom of Information Act!"
You get the idea. The most charitable plausible explanation I have seen comes from the Atlantic's Megan McArdle. "The CRU's main computer model may be, to put it bluntly, complete rubbish."
Australian geologist Ian Plimer, a global warming skeptic, is more blunt. The e-mails "show that data was massaged, numbers were fudged, diagrams were biased, there was destruction of data after freedom of information requests, and there was refusal to submit taxpayer-funded date for independent examination."
Global warming alarmist George Monbiot of the Guardian concedes that the e-mails "could scarcely be more damaging," adding, "I'm dismayed and deeply shaken by them." He has called for the resignation of the CRU director.
All of which brings to mind the old computer geek's phrase: Garbage in, garbage out.
The Copenhagen climate summit was convened to get the leaders of nations to commit to sharp reductions in carbon dioxide emissions -- and thus sharp reductions in almost all energy usage, at huge economic cost -- in order to prevent disasters that supposedly were predicted with absolute certainty by a scientific consensus.
But that consensus was based in large part on CRU data that was, to take the charitable explanation, "complete rubbish" or, to take the more dire view, the product of deliberate fraud.
Quite possibly the CRU e-mailers were sincere in their belief that they were saving the planet. Like Al Gore, they wanted to convince the world's elites that the time for argument is over, the scientific consensus is clear and those who disagree can be dismissed as cranks (and should be disqualified from receiving research grants). If they had to cut a few corners, well, you have to break eggs to make an omelette.
For those of us who have long suspected that constructing scientific models of climate and weather is an enormously complex undertaking quite possibly beyond the capacity of current computer technology, the CRU e-mails are not so surprising.
Do we really suppose that anyone can construct a database of weather observations for the entire planet and its atmosphere adequate to make confident predictions of weather and climate 60 years from now? Predictions in which we have enough confidence to impose enormous costs on the American and world economies?
Copenhagen, despite Barack Obama's presence, seems sure to be a bust; there will be no agreement on mandatory limits on carbon emissions. Even if there were, it would probably turn out to be no more effective than the limits others agreed to in Kyoto in 1997. In any case, China and India are not going to choke off their dazzling economic growth to please Western global warming alarmists.
The more interesting question going forward is whether European and American governmental, academic and corporate elites, having embraced global warming alarmism with religious fervor, will be shaken by the scandalous CRU e-mails. They should be.
Michael Barone, The Examiner's senior political analyst, can be contacted at His columns appear Wednesday and Sunday, and his stories and blog posts appear on
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Obamacare Already Taking Away From Womens' Health
Even though Obamacare hasn't been passed yet, I can't help but think that the administration and other liberal democrats had something to do with the recent information about women's' health screening. Why would it now be okay to say women that have been told forever and a day to have yearly pap-smears from their teens and early twenties to now say they can wait for every-other year? And why is it now okay for older women to wait another decade before they start having regular mammograms? Seems to me that we are already seeing the ground work being laid for denial of treatments.
Thank goodness that my wife was able to have a mammogram this past week and find out that she is okay. Thanks again that she was able to have her elective surgery to alleviate other discomforts that she would most assuredly been denied if socialized medicine was in full swing.
A part of me should be thankful that the democrats in congress seem hellbent on ramming through their socialist agenda including their holy grail of socialized health. I say I should be thankful because I think that once the nation realizes that the democrats have made the biggest power grab in our nation's history and placed 48% of the economy under government control (between the stimulus packages and universal health scare)--yes, I realize that the republicans were responsible for the first few stimulus deals--once the country realizes that they are being made subjects and not citizens then they will want to vote out the party in power. The reason I can't be too happy is that once the government gets its hands on something it is damn near impossible to get it to let go. I think that is what the democrats have in mind.
I think they realize that they run a good chance of being voted against in 2010 and 2012, but they are willing to take the risk. They believe and rightly so that once they turn our health system into a socialist system then everything thing else will follow suit. The country will then be center-left at best. Once the government runs health care then it can justify running everything else since it can then tie everything back to health--either physical or mental. I remember being in Australia, where they have socialized health care. It was illegal to ride down the road with your arm out of the window. Why? Simple--who would pay if you wrecked and lost an arm? The government. So Australians lost the right to cool themselves down on a hot summer day while riding in the car by letting their arm dangle out the window in the breeze. Silly yes, but true.
One by one your freedoms will be lost due to the expediency of health care. The freedom loving democrats will tell you what to eat--they already want to put a 'sin tax' on regular sodas. They will tell you how to drive down the road--seat belts clicked and arms inside the windows at all times. I wonder if they will ask homosexuals to stop committing sodomy since it has been linked with the large medical price tag of HIV/AIDS? Probably not right away, but give it time you folks from the North America Man Boy Love Association. I wonder if they will start declining abortions if they become too pricey? Probably not right away, but give it time you Pro-choicers. On second thought, they will probably run specials on abortions since it's cheaper to kill the child than provide a lifetime of "free" medical care.
Yes, it looks like the party of individual choice--at least for social issues--is about to give us socialized medicine and then take away all those freedoms they argue so much for. And why will they take them away? Because their government health system will have to keep costs down and be financially responsible--it will have to abide by conservative economic principles. I realize of course that the system will not be responsible but once China and our other creditors finally stop lending us money the system will have to cut back drastically on services. If it only cut back on the liberal loons that thought up this idiotic health care scheme it would be one thing; however, those of us who hate the idea of government controlled health care will have to suffer as well. Thanks a lot all of you who voted for Obama and any other democrat or republican who favors taking away my freedoms. The constitution guaranteed them for over two hundred years and you were successful at destroying them in less than a year.
Thank goodness that my wife was able to have a mammogram this past week and find out that she is okay. Thanks again that she was able to have her elective surgery to alleviate other discomforts that she would most assuredly been denied if socialized medicine was in full swing.
A part of me should be thankful that the democrats in congress seem hellbent on ramming through their socialist agenda including their holy grail of socialized health. I say I should be thankful because I think that once the nation realizes that the democrats have made the biggest power grab in our nation's history and placed 48% of the economy under government control (between the stimulus packages and universal health scare)--yes, I realize that the republicans were responsible for the first few stimulus deals--once the country realizes that they are being made subjects and not citizens then they will want to vote out the party in power. The reason I can't be too happy is that once the government gets its hands on something it is damn near impossible to get it to let go. I think that is what the democrats have in mind.
I think they realize that they run a good chance of being voted against in 2010 and 2012, but they are willing to take the risk. They believe and rightly so that once they turn our health system into a socialist system then everything thing else will follow suit. The country will then be center-left at best. Once the government runs health care then it can justify running everything else since it can then tie everything back to health--either physical or mental. I remember being in Australia, where they have socialized health care. It was illegal to ride down the road with your arm out of the window. Why? Simple--who would pay if you wrecked and lost an arm? The government. So Australians lost the right to cool themselves down on a hot summer day while riding in the car by letting their arm dangle out the window in the breeze. Silly yes, but true.
One by one your freedoms will be lost due to the expediency of health care. The freedom loving democrats will tell you what to eat--they already want to put a 'sin tax' on regular sodas. They will tell you how to drive down the road--seat belts clicked and arms inside the windows at all times. I wonder if they will ask homosexuals to stop committing sodomy since it has been linked with the large medical price tag of HIV/AIDS? Probably not right away, but give it time you folks from the North America Man Boy Love Association. I wonder if they will start declining abortions if they become too pricey? Probably not right away, but give it time you Pro-choicers. On second thought, they will probably run specials on abortions since it's cheaper to kill the child than provide a lifetime of "free" medical care.
Yes, it looks like the party of individual choice--at least for social issues--is about to give us socialized medicine and then take away all those freedoms they argue so much for. And why will they take them away? Because their government health system will have to keep costs down and be financially responsible--it will have to abide by conservative economic principles. I realize of course that the system will not be responsible but once China and our other creditors finally stop lending us money the system will have to cut back drastically on services. If it only cut back on the liberal loons that thought up this idiotic health care scheme it would be one thing; however, those of us who hate the idea of government controlled health care will have to suffer as well. Thanks a lot all of you who voted for Obama and any other democrat or republican who favors taking away my freedoms. The constitution guaranteed them for over two hundred years and you were successful at destroying them in less than a year.
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