Monday, September 29, 2008

Backboned Republicans and Blue Dogs Unite

It is good for this Blue Dog Republican to see that there is hope that the cream of each party can occasionally rise to the top. I realize that some think the "no" vote by the House was a mistake. I respectably beg to differ and it seems that many other Americans do too. I was impressed with the House Republicans and Democrats that bucked their leaderships and voted not to approve the $7oo billion bailout. It remains to be seen if this was just a fluke or if there might be some areas of agreement to build upon between the two parties.

If you had to relie on Barney Frank to give you the play-by-play you would think it was only a majority of the House Republicans to blame for the bailout not passing. He fails to mention the 40% of House Democrats, 94 in all, that also opposed the bill. The Liberal Democratic leadership cannot control all their moderate and possibly "conservative" members. The Go Along with Bush Republican leadership can't manage a majority of their members. Maybe some members of Congress are actually trying to earn the trust of the American people again. Maybe they will actually start working for us instead of their extreme leaderships.
