Monday, September 22, 2008

Teacher/Administrator Tech Standards

Question #1--Should the new administrator standards parallel the new teacher standards?
Answer--Yes. With the exception being that the current administrator standard IV Support, Management, and Operations stand alone without a corresponding standard for teachers. Administrators have more responsibility for budget requests to facilitate the big picture of how the various technologies requested by teachers tie together for a cohesive technology program.

Teacher standards I and III should be combined thereby bringing the total number down to four and then matching up with administrator standards as follows:
TS I Inspiring Student Learning and Creativity by Modeling Digital-Age Work and Learning (this standard combines the present TS standards I and III) match with AS I Learning and Teaching (formerly AS II)

TS II Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments match with AS II (former AS V Assessment and Evaluation plus part of AS I Leadership and Vision)

TS III Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility match with AS III (former AS VI Social, Legal, and Ethical Issues)

TS IV Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership match with AS IV (former AS III Productivity and Professional Practice plus part of AS I Leadership and Vision)

AS V (former AS IV Support, Management, and Operations) this stands alone

Question #2--Are there additional standards to which administrators should be held?
Answer--Yes. As shown at the end of answer one--Support, Management, and Operations should be an additional standard that teachers do not share.

Question #3--What is your overall reaction to the current administrator standards?
Answer--I think standard I could be split and combined with standards III and V to bring the number of standards down to five and facilitate a closer paralleling with the teacher standards.


NC PFP ECU Lisa said...

I can agree with those changes. I noted in my blog that the standards were also too verbose.

Steve M. Lassiter, Jr., Preacher/Teacher said...

Yes, I agree that administrators and teachers technology standards should be more reflective of one another. Administrators are teachers to those who teach students. I wonder if those who wrote these standards had this in mind? If so, why was it not reflected?

Learning to Lead the Future said...

As I read more of the comments, I am compelled to go read them again. I feel that I have missed something. I thought they were pretty well aligned. But, many disagree. I like your suggestions. It makes sense to make them more streamline.

Learning to Lead the Future said...

As I read more of the comments, I am compelled to go read them again. I feel that I have missed something. I thought they were pretty well aligned. But, many disagree. I like your suggestions. It makes sense to make them more streamline.