This bailout has taken away John McCain's only economic talking point of the first presidential debate. Time and again he pointed out Obama's love of pork (spending earmarks). Time and again he expressed his abhorence of earmarks. He was proud to say he had never asked for an earmark. However, when he voted for the bailout he betrayed his previous record. He voted not only for an unwise bailout, he also voted in favor of $110 billion in earmarks. Earlier in the campaign while supporting the military surge in Iraq he said, "I would rather lose an election than lose a war." With his latest vote in the Senate in favor of the Bailout he has proven that he would rather lose $810 billion taxpayer dollars then lose an election.
The only difference between Obama and McCain on the bailout issue is this: I expected more from McCain, I expected no less from Obama. True to his liberal roots, Barak's Change is really just an old play from the Tax and Spend playbook with a new twist. This time he voted to bailout the richest segment of society at the expense of the middle class he claims to defend. Obama has already broken a campaign promise (change, yeah right). During the first debate with McCain, Obama critcized McCain for a $300 billion tax break for the wealthy earning more than $250 thousand per year. In contrast to McCain's catering to the rich, Obama would provide tax relief to 95% of the country. With his vote in favor of the Bailout, he quickly erased McCain's break for the wealthy and simultaneously saddled the middle class with $510 billion tax increase to fund the remaining part of the Bailout. The twist is that a liberal posing as a change agent helped the richest people in our country at the expense of the middle class.
And what did we get as a result? Another day older and deeper in debt. The stock market continue to topple another 370pts. Why? I thought that the reason it tanked more than 700pts. last week was due to the irresponsible vote of my backboned reps. and blue dog dems. If these people changed their vote in support of the bailout then shouldn't the market recover and continue improve?
Here's the scoop! Nothing has changed! The rich on Wall Street are still rich. The poor on Main Street are still poor. Politicians in Washington still do not stand on principles. And Change We Can Believe In is only make-believe.
So-who are you supporting. Are you going to vote for Obama because he kept his word? OR are you going to support McCain who broke his word but might just be the lesser of the two evils?-wen
Good question. When faced with the choice between two candidates who shouldn't be there to begin with, for whom do you vote? Since both are proving bad for the economy with their votes on the bailout, we can't use this as a criterion.
Both have made faux pas on foreign policy. McCain for supporting the war in Iraq to begin with. Obama for being willing to sit down with a madman like Ahmadinejah, thereby lending legitimacy to someone who denies the Holocaust took place and vows to wipe Israel off the map. Also weighing against Obama is his impotent response toward Russia's invasion of Georgia.
We could look at their associations. Obama's includes a unrepentant domestic terrorist, William Ayres, who's only regret in 2001 was that he hadn't blown up more buildings back in the '60s. Lest we think that Ayres was just a lapse in judgement lets not forget his 20yr. friendship with his pastor and mentor the Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Obama sat in the pew for two decades listening to Wright spew forth anti-American rhetoric such as G-ddamn America. Then Obama claims never to have heard any such speech even though each sermon was video-taped.
McCain's associates include most notoriously Charles Keating. He was disciplined by the Senate for his involvement in the Keating Five scandal(four Democratic and one Republican senators). More honorably his associates include the many US servicemen he spent 5yrs with in the Hanoi Hilton.
Along association lines McCain wins.
I'll blog again later with other criteria. This should suffice for now. I'm leaning toward McCain.
So how long do you think our society can go on with leadership that has neither morals no ethics?-wen
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