Friday, January 30, 2009

Obama's Unpatriotic Cabinet Picks

According to then vice presidential hopeful Joe Biden people who pay their taxes are patriotic. What does that say about two prominent nominations to President Obama's cabinet. First there is the head of the Treasury Dept. who makes the "mistake" of not paying taxes for years. Remember our president wants a guy who is either too stupid or too corrupt to pay his own self-employment taxes to head the department that is supposed to make sure that all of us are paying our taxes. Either way I question the judgement of our new president. Now Obama's pick for Health and Human Services, Tom Daschel, is guilty of not paying more than $100,000 in taxes.

If Biden's definition of patriotism is right, then our new president is trying to fill his cabinet with un-patriotic or treasonous individuals. Is this the change 54%of Americans voted for?


Bettie said...

Are you saying 54% of Americans are wrong? I don't question the judgement of our new president. I question the judgement of Geithner and Daschle for not paying their taxes.

I think it is just hard to find someone to appoint for any cabinet position is the criteria for the post is perfection. It's more than hard. It's impossible, especially when folks want the president to 'fail'.(Rush Limbaugh) I think expressing to the public that you want your president, the commander and chief, leader of your country to fail is extremely unpatriotic.

I think the president and his team could have done a better job at vetting his nominees. Yes, people who paid their taxes would have been better choices for these particular positions. But I am sure the ones he chose would have had some other skeleton in their closets.

I questioned the sanity of our old president for eight years.

BDR said...

As one of the 46% who didn't vote for him I do believe that the majority was wrong. That being said, the president was the one who said that he was going to have the most ethical administration in history. He set his own bar and then tried to go under it. He knew Daschle had tax problems on Monday but stood behind him. Then on Tuesday he says he screwed up. Why was Daschle fine one day and then not the next?

Also, why has Obama not asked for the Treasury Secretary to step down. If Daschle was a mistake for tax purposes why wasn't Geithner also a mistake?

Limbaugh was stating that if Obama was trying to implement a left-wing agenda he, Limbaugh, hopes that he fails.

I echo that sentiment if the president continues to make the political moves he has at the beginning of his administration.

Bettie said...

It is obvious that you don't care for our new president in any form or fashion. Your opinions are yours and no one has any right to try change them. My thoughts are simply this. Obama may not be any better than any of the other men who have served as president. My contention is that is no worse either. I look at the news and listen to people and hear the hateful rhetoric for this man and I wonder where does it come from. I can't remember a time in my life when that the differences in emotion have been so EXTREME for a political leader in this country! Our country is a mess. My question is, how is it his fault when he has been sworn in for less than 100 days? Do you put any blame on the previous administrations? Notice, I do not specify Bush. As to the 54% and the 46%. Why does either have to be wrong or right? Having a different opinion and being wrong are not necessarily the same. Our country is in a mess right now. I don't believe anyone knows what to do to fix it. Right now President Obama is the person in a position to try to do something. Who is offering an alternate plan that works? I am not seeing it. All I see are people saying no to whatever is offered for the sake of saying no. No one is giving any alternatives. I am willing to listen to anything from anybody-whether it be democrat, republican, or what. We need answers. Everyone's opinion should be taken into account. I get the feeling from your posts, that your dislike for our new president and your perceived views of his policies keeps you from being able to say the same. But as I stated earlier, no one has the right to try to change your opinion. And truely, that is not my intent by sometimes engaging you on this blog. This is an effort to understand what makes those with differing viewpoints-tick or in some cases explode!

BDR said...

I don't know about the hate speech being used against Obama. I personally think he may be an alright fellow. I take issue with his policies that seem to be a big wish list for the more liberal part of the Democrat Party. If policies lead down the road to socialism then I do believe they are wrong.

To see hateful speech being used against a former president we have to look no further than Pres. George W. Bush. Even now there are left wing commentators and members of Congress that want to bring war crimes charges against a former president who kept them safe for the seven years following the 9/11 attacks. These people have hated Bush since the beginning of his administration. The said he stole the election. It is not his fault if too many Democrats in Florida were not capable of reading a ballot and casting a vote.

As far as differing plans go there are people offering different viable plans to fix the ailing economy. Some are even suggesting to leave it allow for a while to let the dust settle so we know what we are truly up against. The administration and the previous one under Bush are applying bandaids to a wound that is much deeper. We need to be able to see the true causes of the economic problems. We need to know which companies can remain strong on their own. We need to let bad companies go bankrupt and then new ones will form to take their place. In short we need to let the market work. Is it going to be painful in the short run? Yes. Will it be more painful if we never get to the root of the problems and keep throwing trillions of our children's and grandchildren's money at an unfixable problem? Yes.

I believe government was one of the major causes behind our economic situation. I believe the last thing we should do is trust the likes of Chris Dodd and Barney Frank to fix the problems they helped to create.

Bettie said...

I have no problem with you or anyone one taking issue with policies. Our votes should have been placed based on policy issues alone. Hate the policies and not the man. Call the policies idiotic instead of calling the man an idiot. I think we both know he is no idiot.

Yes, hateful speech was used against our former president. But there was a brief time in our history when our country was uncertain about its future and safety when Dems and Republicans united behind him. That changed when people from every side had problems with his POLICIES.

I am not saying either side is innocent of spewing vitriolic speech against the other side. I find that disagreeable not matter where it comes from.

I do believe, however, that the source of contempt for Obama, for many, comes from a much more sinister place.

President Obama, just all our other presidents should be held accountable for the decisions that he makes.

It just seems to me that some people hold it against him for what he is.

It is a scary time in America. But it is not because he is our president. Things are a mess. I don't know that anyone knows how to fix it. I would hate for President Obama to be made a scapegoat for problems long in the making before he became president.

I also don't think it is fair to judge him harshly for trying to tackle issues long ignored.

I don't know that now is the right time to do it. I don't know if now is the wrong time to do it. But I do know it is long past time that something gets done.

I watch the news alot. I think I saw this past weekend one person briefly mention some warmed over or maybe off the cuff economic plan that had obviously been pulled out to respond to the growing roar from others asking-Well what would the Republicans do? There were no details, no substance and apparently it was soon forgotten because I have not heard anything else about it.

I am no huge fan of Frank, and based on some news I heard today concerning a loophole with the bonus in the stimulus package drafted by Dodd, he is on my s*** list. But they didn't do it alone. Republicans had their hand in this mess from the beginning as well.